Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Impact of American Civil War Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Impact of American Civil War - Term Paper Example The authority of National Government was owned by Lincoln as he was the elected President by the Republicans. Lincoln did not bear any harsh values for Southerners; in fact he wanted U.S.A to stay as one nation with one regulatory body. He once said on his second inaugural address:â€Å"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.†Every war or a fight leave its impacts on a nation and the greatest impact Civil War made was the condemnation of slavery in Southern America and growth of industrial sector in North America. Southern America was rich in cotton and was considered as the â€Å"King of Cotton† at that time. South was the biggest cotton ex porter across the world, therefore was confident on their economical stability. Southerners in cotton business possessed 55% of enslaved people and were greatly threatened on the idea of freeing the slaves. However, North was growing fast with industrial development. The war against slavery infused the spirit of nationalism and equality within America and especially Republicans with 25 states supported Lincoln’s ideology whereas, 11 stood against it. It is true that America after its independence was still a weak nation. (Todd, 2001) People of America fought revolutionary war for freedom with an aim that all human beings should be treated equally but soon after America was declared as an independent nation, Southern Americans forgot the point they got freedom for. Southerners themselves adopted the strategy of keeping slaves and discriminated people according to their color, cast or creed. Civil war emerged when Lincoln officially stood hard against the concept of slavery and while the civil war was going on, (Schwartz, 2008) Lincoln authored the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which was legally declared in 1865 by making Thirteenth Amendment in legal structure of laws which says: â€Å"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, nor any place subject to their jurisdiction† IMPACTS: It is not deniable that Civil War proved to be the bitterest war in the American History in which America lost 600,000 lives and 400,000 people were severely wounded, but the impact it made on the civilians was far more better and improved their ideology for ever after. Lincoln was unfortunate that he did not get any chance to watch the positive outcomes but his efforts are still respected and traced. (Nevins, 1960) The civil war brought United States of America together in many ways: Slavery was the major bone of differences between the two regions but it was ended after Civil War and it helped people from both regions to think together as one body. It ended the idea of seceding states on every next issues and it is since Civil War that America

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Racing to the Bottom Trade, Environmental Governance by Aseem Prakash Article

Racing to the Bottom Trade, Environmental Governance by Aseem Prakash and Matthew Potoski - Article Example The dependent variable, on the other hand can be defined as the observed result, of the independent variable. The voluntary environmental regulations of ISO 14001 in this research can be defined as the dependent variable. The research seeks to define how the independent variable has had a negative or positive impact on the adoption of ISO 14001 environmental regulations (dependent variable). HYPOTHESIS The hypothesis formulated in this report is that, involvement in international trade has caused many international firms to adopt the voluntary ISO 14001 regulations. The other hypothesis is that adoption rates are lower in export dependent countries than in import dependent countries. This hypothesis has come about due to some critiques believe that these ISO 14001 regulations have been adopted to take environmental action to an international level. This research aims at proving this hypothesis. FINDINGS Different governments have different environmental assessment requirements for or ganizations. Within these governments, there are some whose environmental policies seem to be lax. International trade with the organizations from nations having lax environmental standards becomes significantly affected as other organizations seem to avoid trading with them. The international organization for standardization has created a much accepted level of international standards. The standards of ISO are applied to firms irrespective of the country of origin and are independent of the local regulations. The finding of this report is that many firms, seeking to undertake international trade, have resorted into adopting the ISO 14001 regulations together with the local regulations. The research concludes that there are specific aspects of this regulation which make these firms to adopt it, and it is not due to international pressure. The regulation seems to favor international trade EVIDENCE (QUANTIT & QUALITATIVE) The survey conducted in 108 countries, which has, the ISO 14001 certified facilities provides evidence in this research. The information was categorized on the international trade structure which a country mainly depended on. There are those that are export dependent and others import dependent. The research also seeks to define whether the importing county’s regulations have any effect on the exporting c country’s level in adopting these regulations. For the purposes of this research, the other variables which may affect international trade are entirely ignored. The measure applied is that of adoption of the ISO 14001 regulations. MAJOR THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK (LIBERAL, INSTITUTIONAL The major theoretical framework is the adoption of this regulation is favorable to international trade than other regulations. The effects of other controllable variables like international and domestic controls seem to be over come by this regulatory policy. COUNTERARGUMENTS There are many arguments aroused by this research. Globalization critiques ar gue that the adoption of ISO 14001 regulation necessitated by international trade undermines the set government regulation. On the other hand, those in support of globalization argue that the governments should try and standardize their environmental regulation for the purpose of international trade. They further argue that due to the discrepancies in government policies, only the ISO 14001 regulations can be applied internationally in a standard way. They argue